Legislative Membership
- Senator Pat Stefano (R), Co-Chair
- Senator Katie Muth (D), Co-Chair
- Senator Lindsey Williams, Co-Chair
- Senator Dave Argall (R)
- Senator Ryan Aument (R)
- Senator Camera Bartolotta (R)
- Senator James Brewster (D)
- Senator Michele Brooks (R)
- Senator Carolyn Comitta (D)
- Senator John DiSanto (R)
- Senator Chris Gebhard (R)
- Senator John Gordner (R)
- Senator Scott Hutchinson (R)
- Senator Tim Kearney (D)
- Senator Dan Laughlin (R)
- Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill (R)
- Senator Devlin Robinson (R)
- Senator Pat Stefano (R)
- Senator Judy Ward (R)
- Senator Gene Yaw (R)
- Representative Frank Farry, Co-Chair
- Representative Jennifer O’Mara, Co-Chair
2021-22 Fire & EMS Accomplishments
Act 87 of 2021 (Phillips-Hill) amended Title 38 (Holidays & Observances) by establishing First Responder Recognition Day on September 27th.
Act 10 of 2022 (Stefano) amended Title 35 (Health & Safety Code) by permitting career and combination fire companies to apply for low-interest loans through the Fire & EMS Loan Program. The Act also established a one-time $25 Million EMS COVID-19 Grant.
Act 42 of 2022 (Laughlin) amended the Fire & Panic Act by providing additional Fire Safety requirements for Family Child-Care Homes.
Act 45 of 2022 (Stefano) enacted the EMS Compact.
Act 53 of 2022 (Rader) amended the Tax Reform Code by stabilizing the revenues that go into the Fire Relief Program.
Act 54 of 2022 (Thomas) amended the Fiscal Code by providing for the Recruitment and Retention positions in the Office of State Fire Commissioner. Additionally, the Act increased the Basic Life Support (BLS) Reimbursement Rate to $325 and the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Reimbursement Rate to $400.
Act 72 of 2022 (Hamm) extended the Ambulance Staffing Waiver until 2027.
Act 74 of 2022 (Farry) amended Title 3 (Agriculture) by repurposing the funds collected from the sale of Fireworks as follows:
*$250,000 – Online Training Educator and Training Reimbursement Account
*$1,000,000 shall be used for loan forgiveness and tuition assistance for students and graduates who are active volunteer firefighters
*$500,000 shall be used for EMS training center capital grants via transfer to the Office of State Fire Commissioner (OSFC)
*$500,000 for career fire department capital grants via transfer to the OSFC
*$250,000 for a public safety campaign on fireworks via transfer to the OSFC
*$500,000 for reimbursement to a Pennsylvania bomb squad accredited by the FBI
*Any remaining funds to be equally divided between the EMS Grant Program and for making grants under the Fire Company Grant Program
Meetings and Hearings
Fire and EMS Caucus Policy Briefing
Fire and EMS Caucus | September 19, 2022 | 10 a.m. | Virtual via Zoom [Read More]
Emergency Medical Servicese System Report (2013)
Office of the State Fire Commissioner
Department of Health Bureau of EMS – Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (pa.gov)
PA Fire & Emergency Services Institute
Ambulance Association of PA – Home (aa-pa.org)
Firefighter’s Association of the State of Pennsylvania (pafirefighters.org)
Pennsylvania Career Fire Chiefs Association (pacareerfirechiefs.org)
PA Emergency Health Services Council